The Ankeri team is pleased to announce a new release of the Ankeri Platform, accessible at from the evening of 31 January 2022.
Daily notifications
- Users can now sign up to receive email notification when vessels are close to being scheduled for dry dock
Fleet management
- Email invitation is sent to inform users when they receive an invitation to shared access to Fleet management events
- Fleet management events can now be shared with users that do not yet have an Ankeri account. Registration link to Ankeri is included in email invitation for those that do not have account
- Fleet management events can be shared with users that belong to same company as you
- That way you can give edit rights to events that belong to certain ship managers to users that have only view rights
- When sharing, you can search among all users registered within your company to avoid sharing with wrong email address
- Improved overview of ships and classes is given in Fleet management Settings where ships can now be moved between classes
- Improved control over registration of Class Renewals (CR) and Inwater Surveys (IWS)
- Clear all button has been added to events filters