After creating a vessel evaluation process or simply by navigating to a process the user can add a candidate to the process.
This is accomplished in the Candidates tab of the process.
Using the add vessel candidate input box the user can search for vessel candidates by name or imo number.
After a successful search hit, the user can then add the candidate, given that the user has not previously be added.
When adding a candidate the candidate information will be auto-populated with known data, from the Ankeri Profiles for example.
After adding a candidate, candidate's information can the be edited.
Based on data inputted, or auto-populated, the candidate's dimension will be compared to the terminals' specifications that are associated with the service the process is based on.
Speed-consumption curves will also be auto-populated if available.
After adding a candidate the user remove the candidate from the process or elect to keep the candidate but deactivate the candidate from the comparison process and the final comparison results.
The user can also add attachments to a candidate they so desire.