Note that Users groups are only accessible for Administrators.
This article shows how to:
- Understand overview of user groups
- Understand user settings of a user groups
- Assign/remove users to/from user group
- Special user group for external users
User group overview
User groups overview can be accessed from Settings by selecting the User groups link. User groups are shown in a table as displayed in the example below.
Icons represent various user rights where coloured icons indicate that the user has the rights in question. A tooltip gives some idea about each right but to get a detailed description the user must select the Edit group link.
At the end of each user groups row there is an Edit group link for that particular user group. By selecting the link the administrator is taken to the User group settings for that particular group as shown in next section.
Empty user groups can be deleted by selecting the Delete group link and new user group is created by selecting the +Create new user group link at the bottom of the table.
User group settings
From the Edit group link on the user group overview the administrator is taken to the user group setting as shown below.
User groups can be renamed by clicking on the pencil icon next to the user group name.
A list of users in the group is shown right under the name of the user group. From the list of users, the administrator can see which group the users belong to (this group), their email addresses, when they last logged in and the following user rights that are per user only and not per group:
- Enabled if user account is open to the user. If user is disabled, the user does not have any access to Ankeri.
- Administrator if user has administrator rights
- Ankeri API if user has access to Ankeri API
Following shows and explains the user rights that can be set on user group level. Note that by changing settings per user group, the settings are immediately changed for all users in the group.
By not allowing a user Full export, the following restrictions apply:
- Export and printing limitations can be applied on fields by editing existing fields.
- Users will not be able to export results from Pre-analysis report.
- Users will not be able to export or print fuel tables and all information about review process and files is removed from print view.
- Print limitations only apply to the print view on each ship's profile. Users can still decide to print all information directly from the browser.
Detailed access settings
In addition to generic access setting, each group can be limited to view certain fields in ship profiles' Specification. Click on the Show/hide detailed access settings in the Information section as shown above. Administrator will then get a list of all fields that have been configures for its company from where it can be decided which fields should be hidden or not.
Adding/removing user to/from a user group
Use User settings to add a new user to a user group or remove user from a user group.
User group for external users
A special type of user group type can be created for special type of users. This is mainly used when companies need to allow external users to get access to limited part of Ankeri data via the Ankeri API.
Contact Ankeri ( for more information about special type of user groups.