The Monitoring tab allows for monitoring of ships based on a combination of noon reports and AIS data, as well as data entered in the Information section.
The map shows the historical positions with the paths, first position with a star icon and current position and course with an arrow (marker if course is not available). AIS data is shown with an orange path while data from noon reports is shown with a dark blue path. Click the arrows and icons to get information on current and first position (based on date filter), respectively. The map also shows the port visits with blue circles.
On the left side of the map there are zoom options. This includes traditional zoom in and out options (can also be enabled/disable by clicking the map and using the scroll wheel on your mouse). Also included are options for full screen mode and default, previous and next zoom modes.
On the right side of the map there are options to enable a nautical chart from OpenSeaMap and disable showing AIS data. Please note that the fist option is only available with sufficient zooming on the map.
Reports and events
This chart shows an overview of reports, in terms of events, noon reports and voyages. Fuel events are shown with an oil drop icons.
Click the the Show events or Show reports button to show events/reports, depending on the date filter.
Clicking a event/report shows its position on the map and highlights the data point in the speed and consumption charts below. Similarly, clicking a voyage highlights its positions on the map.
Number of noon reports and voyages is shown above the chart.
The Speed-consumption chart shows speed and consumption data from noon reports in a scatter plot.
The Speed-consumption includes an option to filter data based on Beaufort values. Click the Beaufort filter button, to toggle whether data is filtered for Beaufort less than or equal to 4 or not. In case the filter is applied and a data point does not include a wind measurement, then the data point is not shown in the chart. Click the SOG/STW button to toggle whether speed is given in speed over ground (SOG) or speed through water (STW).
The Speed and Consumption charts show the same data in a timeseries. Please note that additional data is shown in tooltip for each datapoint, e.g. the report type.
The Speed chart also includes AIS data, shown with an orange timeseries. The chart includes an option to toggle whether AIS data is shown in the chart, with the Hide/Show AIS buttons.
Charter parties
Monitoring can be accessed by clicking Details button from the Charter parties section. Dates are then filtered by delivery and redelivery dates.
Charter parties table is included, with similar information like in the Charter parties section.
Speed-consumption chart includes colour highlighting of points inside, about and outside warranty. An example is shown in the picture below, where the dataset has been filtered for Beaufort less than and equal to 4 and Douglas less and equal to 3. The chart also includes the performance warranty curves.
Speed chart includes the same colour highlighting of points. It also includes a grey line, indicating the performance warranty, which is dynamic based on the ship's draft and speed.