Download a single Excel file with all ship profiles
From the Ships page, all ship data can be downloaded to an Excel file using the button in the top right corner. Note that the button is only displayed to users that have the rights to export data.
By clicking on the button, the user gets an option to either download data from all categories or to select which categories to export.
If filters have been applied to the Ships page before exporting - only data for ships visible on the page will be exported.
The file format of the Excel file is more or less self-explanatory apart from the first few rows.
- Row 1: text description of each column
- Row 2: unit associated with that column (dash if no unit)
- Row 3: Ankeri internal id for the column in question (handy for comparison with interface)
- Row 4: Ankeri unique id for the column in question (for comparison with API data)
- Row 5: name of the category the field belongs to
- Rows > 5: values for each ship
And the first column.
- Column 1: Reporting is 'Yes' if the ship is sending noon reports to Ankeri, otherwise 'No'
- Columns 2 and 3: Ship name and IMO number (order depends on the field ordering)