When a new ship profile is added to Ankeri, a default profile picture is assigned to the profile depending on the sector which the ship belongs to.
- RoRo
- Bulker
- Container ship
- Tanker
- Other / unknown
Default picture selected for a ship depends on the registration of the ship in Ankeri's internal source. If the ship is not defined as one of the known categories and anchor picture is used.
Updating a ship picture
Ship pictures are updated from each ship's profile.
Note that only one picture can be set per ship profile. New pictures will therefore permanently delete the picture that was used before.
There are two different ways to update ship pictures.
Hover over the profile picture as shown below. |
Go to the ellipsis icon on the ship's profile and click on Update ship picture |
A modal will pop up where user can select a new picture to upload. Note that only pictures of jpeg and png formats are allowed. Once a picture has been uploaded, it needs to be cropped to fit the ratio needed for Ankeri as shown on the picture below.
Once the cropping frame has been set to the desired frame, user can either press the Crop button to see how the picture will appear in the ship profile or simple press the Update profile picture to add it to the ship profile.
Only one picture can be set per ship profile. New pictures will therefore permanently delete the picture that was used before.
All users that are allowed to access ship profiles are also allowed to change the profile picture.
Note that updating of ship profile picture requires the browser to support canvas.toBlob(). Older browsers may therefore fail to respond when user clicks on the Update profile picture button.