In addition to information given in the Specification part of each ship profile, users can also upload files to each ship profile. Currently accepted file types include pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, tiff and nsd.
If a files has an expiry date, it is displayed with star* next to the Added date. By hovering over the Added date you can see who uploaded each file along with expiry date if it has one.
Everyone with an access to a ship profile can view and download individual files. Users with rights to upload a file can upload new ones by pressing the Upload new files button as shown on the image above. To download all files, users need right to Download data.
Downloading and viewing files
Files can be downloaded by clicking on the file format icon in the first column and all files for a ship can be downloaded as zip archive by pressing the Download all (.zip) button on top of the files table. Depending on browser being used, some files types such as pdf can be viewed by clicking on the name of the file.
Users with right to Download data can download files.
Uploading new files
Multiple files can be uploaded at the same time by pressing on the Upload files button and following the information as given below.
Maximum length of file name is 128 characters and maximum description is 500 characters.
Expiry date can be added to files at the time of upload. Users can toggle expiry date checkbox for files that do not expire. File tags can also be added at the time of upload. All selected tags will be added to all files being uploaded.
Users with right to Upload files can upload files.
Note that Ankeri calculates 1024Kb = 1Mb. If you are working on Mac, files sizes may therefore be slightly off compared to what your file manager shows since Mac calculates 1000Kb = 1Mb.
Editing file information
Once a file has been uploaded, information related to it can be edited by clicking on the edit button at the end of the row for the corresponding file. For ships that do not have design class information registered, you get the option to edit its description, tags and expiry date (optional).
Users with right to Upload files can edit file information.
Connecting a file to Ship Design Class
For ships that are registered with a design class, the user will also get the option to attach the file to all ships within that same design class. Similar option is then given in case you need to detach a file from a ship design class.
Files that are connected to a design class are displayed with a link icon next to it in the Files overview as shown in the example below. Design class is case sensitive, e.g. 'Design A' is not same as 'design a'.
If the information about design class is changed in the ship's specification, the file is kept on all ships while the link icon changes to indicate that the connection between the file and design class has been removed.
The file can then be deleted if it does not belong to this ship. To remove the unlink icon the user can click on the edit icon and save the file information again (with or without other changes).
Users with right to Upload files can connect a file to ship design class.
Deleting files
To delete a file, user needs to have Administrator rights except for files uploaded by that user.
- If a file is connected to a Ship Design Class, all instances of that file will be deleted when deleted from one ship profile.
- If a file is referenced from some field in Specification, the reference is removed
IMPORTANT: Note that files that are connected to a Ship Design Class are also removed from a ship profile if the ship profile is updated with a new Ship Design Class. If the new Ship Design Class has files connected to it, those files will be added to the ship profile after update.