Note that Users settings are only accessible for Administrators.
This article discusses how to:
- Change user access settings
- Adding a user to a user group
- Customise user settings
- Creation of new user
- Deletion of users
User settings can be accessed from the Settings page of the left navigation.
Users overview
From Settings you can view an overview of all users, their email address, last login, user group and access rights that are directly applied to each user.
Users that have been disabled are displayed with a strikethrough while newly registered users have the user icon greyed out and show New user under Last login.
At the end of each user line there is an Edit user link from where user settings for each user can be toggled on/off as described on the following section.
More detailed overview of all users settings along with an option to export to Excel can be accessed by clicking on the expand icon in the top right corner of the Users section (as shown above).
User settings
Username can be changed by clicking on the pencil icon next to the username.
Basic information is given for the user:
- Email behind the user account
- Information about when user Last logged in
- Information about when user Last logged into Ankeri API
- Next email confirmation is shown for companies that rely on verifying user access as shown on Company settings
- Shows when next confirmation is needed
- If text shows Confirmation needed, then administrator can confirm email address by clicking on the link
- If text shows User excluded from confirmation, the user has privilege settings set by Ankeri support and will never need to confirm email address. This can be set for dedicated system or API users.
- Sign in options shows if user is allowed to sign in using email/pass, single sign-on or both
- NameID (single sign-on only) being used. Checkmark displayed after NameID if it has been verified.
Note that users with single sign-on access who also have access to Ankeri API will have the option to reset password and use email/pass to sign in to the API. Those users still have to use the single sign-on to sign into the user interface.
User can either be moved between user groups by selecting the correct user group in the dropdown or removed from user groups by clicking on the link next to it.
- IMPORTANT: When a user is removed from user group, she:
- Gets access to all fields, i.e. field restrictions that may have been applied are removed
- Keeps other settings unchanged until they are changed or user added to other group
The user settings shown in the Administration section are specific per user and independent of the user's user group.
- Enabled if user account is open to the user. If user is disabled, the user does not have access to any content on Ankeri.
- Administrator if user has administrator rights
- Ankeri API if user has access to Ankeri API
Administrators are not allowed to deactivate their own accounts nor can they remove their own administrative rights.
Customised settings
Although it is recommended to use user groups to change user settings for large groups, each user settings can be customised by editing access settings below the yellow warning as shown below.
User is disconnected from all changes made to user group until all customisations for that user have been reverted.
Customised users will receive an indication on which settings are customised (italic with *) and cannot be moved between user groups unless all customisations are reverted.
By not allowing a user Full export, the following restrictions apply:
- Export and printing limitations can be applied on fields by editing existing fields.
- Users will not be able to export results from Pre-analysis report.
- Users will not be able to export or print fuel tables and all information about review process and files is removed from print view.
- Print limitations only apply to the print view on each ship's profile. Users can still decide to print all information directly from the browser.
Chartering settings
User settings for Chartering are visible to Chartering administrators only.
The following configuration changes can be done on user basis:
- Administrators: Can modify chartering user rights of other users. A copy of Reminders are also sent to all administrators.
- Basic view: Can view contract summaries in the Contracts reports, excluding information on rates and counter-parties.
- View: Can view contracts and contract summary reports (except if view rights to some reports are excluded, see Chartering view rights below).
- Edit: Can create, modify and delete contracts (including bunker, off-hires, hull inspections, damage reports etc. information attached to the contract), damage reports and companies in Companies.
- Damages edit: Can modify damage reports. Note that Chartering edit rights are needed to 1) create and delete damage reports and 2) upload files or pictures to damage reports.
- Fixer: User can be assigned as fixer for a contract. In case the Reviews feature (a four-eye principle review process) is configured for your company, fixers can review new and modified contracts from post-fixers.
- Post-fixer: User can assigned as post-fixer for a contract. In case the Reviews feature is configured for your company, Post-fixers can review new and modified contract from fixers.
View rights to each report and feature can be limited on user basis:
- Contracts: View rights for Contracts
- Post-fixture: View rights for Post-fixture
- Hire payments: View rights for Hire payments
- Damages: View rights for Damages
- Companies: View rights for Companies
- Reviews: View rights for Reviews (only visible if the Reviews feature is configured for your company)
Create new user
Whitelisted users
To create a new user, refer that user to where she can register via the Register here link. Note that a new user can only be created with email addresses that have a domain ending (after the @ symbol) that has been whitelisted for your company.
Once a new user has registered, an email will be sent to both the new user with instructions on how to log in and to administrators that will have to activate the user before he can see any content on the Ankeri platform.
Free users
Free user accounts are by invitation only and become active when a user (email address) is invited to view a ship profile from the Ankeri platform via Sharing.
Blacklisted email addresses
Note that Ankeri has blacklisted email addresses from free/public email providers such as,, etc. The total list of blacklisted domains holds over 10 thousand domains.
Deleting a user
It is not recommended to delete a user from the Ankeri platform and administrators are encouraged to only disable users as show above. In case you really need to delete a user, please contact Ankeri.