Exporting ship data to predefined Excel-based questionnaires can be a time-consuming and tedious process. With Ankeri, you can streamline this task and easily export your data into the required questionnaire format, saving you valuable time and effort.
To get started, make sure you provide the questionnaire templates to Ankeri, as these are typically created by ship operators/charterers and are not owned or managed by Ankeri. The availability of templates in Ankeri depends on what we receive from your company.
If you need refinements or additions to existing data mappings, or if you have a new questionnaire template that needs to be integrated, don’t hesitate to contact us at support@ankeri.net. We’re here to ensure the mapping process works smoothly for you.
Mapping overview
Users with administrator rights can see an overview of questionnaire mappings from Settings -> Ships -> Charterer questionnaires.
The list shows the questionnaires that have been made available for export for your company.
By selecting a chartering questionnaire from the list you get access to the detailed mapping for each of the mapped questionnaires as shown below.
Each section of the export template is shown along with which Ankeri field (to the right) is to be exported into which questionnaire field (cell and title to the left).
The export can be tested by selecting a ship from the drop-down list and click in the export file button.
Special mapping
Some fields in the chartering questionnaires do not have a direct one-to-one mapping to the fields in Ankeri. Those cases can be handled in different ways where the most common ones are shown below.
Evaluations from fuel tables
Evaluation with special function
Fields that are not mapped
In some cases the fields required to fill out the charterer questionnaire are not mapped in Ankeri. Following are the most common reasons for that.
Field not available in Ankeri
By clicking on the link (Build Country) the user can add the field to all ships in Ankeri as shown below. Make sure to select the correct category and apply correct settings if edit rights should be limited to certain user group.
Single cell intentionally left without mapping
Ranges of cells left without mapping
Errors in mapping