Exporting ship data to predefined Excel-based questionnaires can be a time-consuming and tedious process. With Ankeri, you can streamline this task and easily export your data into the required questionnaire format, saving you valuable time and effort.
To get started, make sure you provide the questionnaire templates to Ankeri, as these are typically created by ship operators/charterers and are not owned or managed by Ankeri. The availability of templates in Ankeri depends on what we receive from your company. More information about the mapping is given at Charterer questionnaires.
If you need refinements or additions to existing data mappings, or if you have a new questionnaire template that needs to be integrated, don’t hesitate to contact us at We’re here to ensure the mapping process works smoothly for you.
Although this feature greatly simplifies the process of filling out those questionnaires, it’s important to review and finalize the exported questionnaires yourself. Not all data may be available or perfectly mapped within Ankeri, so your input is essential to ensure accuracy and compliance with specific requirements.
How to export?
The following is available for users with right to Download data from Ankeri.
Exporting ship data into predefined questionnaires is directly linked to each ship's profile. You can access this feature from the top-right menu within the Specification section of a ship’s profile, as shown in the image below.
In a similar way, the ship profile can be filtered for those same values using the filter button to the left of the drop-down shown above.
When a questionnaire is selected for export from the drop-down, a modal similar to the one shown below, gets displayed. From that modal you get an overview of the mapping status with information about the completeness of the mapping and ship data, indicating how much work must be conducted after exporting the data.
Each section is expandable, giving more information about which values apply to the section they belong to.
Field values successfully exported from Ankeri: List of values that will be exported from the selected ship profile into the selected questionnaire. By expanding the list you get an overview of which value will be exported to which cell in the questionnaires along with the title of the field as requested in the questionnaire.
Field values not filled out for given ship: This gives a similar list as described above, but without any values since they have still not been provided in Ankeri. By filling those fields out in Ankeri, they will be removed from this list and presented in the list above.
Fields not available or not mapped in Ankeri: These are the fields requested by the questionnaire but have for some reason not been made available in Ankeri. There are mainly two reasons for fields being a part of this list:
- Field is available in Ankeri but has not been added to the field list for your company. Those fields can be added by your Ankeri administrator from settings.
- Field holds an information that is intentionally not made available in Ankeri and must be manually filled out.
Once the questionnaire is ready to be exported, click on the Export questionnaire button to download the Excel questionnaire. Downloaded file always starts with the IMO number for the given ship, followed by the name of the questionnaire template.