The Ankeri team is pleased to announce a new release of the Ankeri Platform, accessible at from the evening of 18 December 2024.
The following updates are a part of this release:
- Numbers are exported as numbers and not text when exporting information about all ships to Microsoft Excel.
Fleet management:
- When editing projects, administrator rights are needed to change ship or event.
- When moving ship between ship managers, end date is now optional.
- Indicator for bookmarked ships is shown in project overview.
- Only users with some (minimal) edit rights can be assigned to a project.
- Project assignees are now included in Excel export.
- Locations can be assigned to location areas which again can be used to filter projects.
Fleet transition tool:
- Ability to designate vessel deployment to services via upload document.
- Boiler consumption accounted for in model.
- Output units adaptable to order of magnitude for CO2eq.
- Filtering of vessels with validation errors.
- Access model to allow users to control access to created entities, namely, ships, events, groups and scenarios.
- More model output results made available in UI.
- New UI design applied.
- FTT comparison report fixed to scale aggregated data always to whole year.
- When entering an ETS clause in a contract, the user can now select whether ETS reporting periods should cut the voyages (modes) by period or show the complete voyage on the period that covers the arrival time of the voyage.
- It is now possible to mark each off-hire on whether it is applicable for adding off-hire days to charter duration. For each charter party and other contracts in the contract series, the sum of the duration of these off-hires is shown in the Deployment timeline.