The Ankeri team is pleased to announce a new release of the Ankeri Platform, accessible at from the evening of 27 February 2024.
The following updates were made:
- Ship shares
- Ships shared with you are now hidden by default behind a collapsible list on the Ships page.
- Users that receive a ship share can now forward that share to other users within same company.
- Users that receive a ship share can now copy information from the shared ship profile to their own version of that same vessel.
- New filter type added to Ships filters. Filter checks for numerical value and responds to Yes if number is above 0, No otherwise.
- Example: Filter can be used for Geared (Yes/No) depending on the number of cranes defined for a given ship.
- Contact for updated filter configuration.
- Administrators (still in beta and only visible to selected users) can now bulk-edit Ships from an Excel based file upload. Will be opened for all users with admin rights in the release following this one.
- Performance module has been renamed to CII.
- Ship page has been improved by expanding information shown previously shown in tabs in the Overview section.
- CII required and compliance target shown on top of page.
- More details on correction factors.
- Showing CII clause from Chartering module, if it is enabled for your company.
- Reefer days and CO2 emission added to export on Ships page.
- Users with upload rights can now upload a service definition from an Excel to Ankeri using the upload feature on the Services main page.
- Bug in custom service editing fixed.
- Fix for the generation of EUA to surrender in EU member state ports and non-member state ports. Only member state ports should generate EUA on port stay emissions.
- Loading time for Management tab has been improved.