Mapping a document based on Microsoft Word has a slightly different syntax than when mapping Microsoft Excel based sheets.
Example of manual mapping
Mapping of Microsoft Word documents needs to be done manually in the export template.
To manually map an Ankeri field to export template, simply add the Ref.Id of the Ankeri master field in double curly brackets to the cell where you want it to be displayed as shown in the example below. Note that each mapping can point to either the value of a given field or its unit.
Example of value mapping for Length overall:
{{ v2 }}
Which would display something like 199.5 for a given ship
To get the unit of the field along with the value you would need specifically at the unit mapping
{{ v2 }}{{ u2 }}
Which would display something like 199.5m for the same ship.
Mapping reference
For an overview of values available for mapping, select the Mapping link in the template line one the Export templates overview.
Value missing from Ankeri
If the mapped field is empty in Ankeri for the given ship, the results are displayed highlighted yellow stating "No value in Ankeri".
Ref.Id not available in Ankeri
When exporting document based on a template, Ankeri does currently not detect if wrong / non-existing Ref.Ids are used for mapping. Those mappings will therefore be replaced with nothing when file is exported, i.e. totally removed.
Wrong / non-existing mappings are on the other hand shown on the Export templates from the Mapping link.