Voyages are the base aggregation unit for calculating the EUA commitment.
As per definition in the EU ETS regulation (which is based on MRV) the voyage is defined from departure port arrival time to arrival port arrival time, or that is arrival time to arrival time.
This means that a port stay in the departure port is part of the voyage.
This also means that the aggregation timeline is continuous, all consumption is included for all vessel modes.
Designating voyages to a charter party or on owner account
A critical part of the ETS book keeping is the correct designation of voyage to owner or an ongoing charter party.
The ETS module does this by comparing that start date of a each vessels' charter parties (and all related extensions or addendums) to the departure time of every voyage.
This means that if a charter party starts on 2024-01-23 14:14:00 UTC and the departure time of the vessel is 2024-01-23 16:50:23 UTC that voyage will be included as part of the EUA commitment for the charter party.
Fuel types consumption and CO2 breakdown
The most important information from a voyage is the fuel types consumption and CO2 breakdown.
The ETS module will use the CO2 breakdown to calculate the EUA for the voyage after the relevant exemptions have been applied.
The EU ETS regulation stipulates exemptions that are used to reduce the base of CO2eq values (per fuel type) before calculating the EUA.
The applicable exemptions are published for each EU ETS reporting year (starting 2024). The ETS module will apply these exemptions and show the user a list of exemptions applied for each voyage.
Assigning voyages to owner's account
Voyages that occur during a charter party can be assigned to an owner. This is useful when the voyages are of a special type that is not on the charterer's responsibility.
In the voyage details (accessible by clicking on a voyage on the ETS ship's page) the user (with ETS edit privileges) can switch the voyage over to the owner account (and vice versa). This triggers the system to calculate the voyage as part of the owner's responsibility.
Fixing LOCODE of voyages
In some cases the UN LOCODE received in arrival or departure reports can not be matched with a registered UN LOCODE. This means that voyages's EUA commitment can not be calculated in terms of whether the port is a EU member state port or non member state port.
Since fixing the LOCODE in the source reporting system is not always a viable option, the ETS module allows the user (with ETS edit privileges) to update the LOCODE on the relevant departure and arrival reports.
The original value will be stored as well but the new value will be used when calculating EUA commitment.
When updating a LOCODE the system will trigger the EUA calculations for the particular ship.