CII simulation allows the user to simulate the effect of deployment strategies on the CII rating of vessels for the current and future years.
This for example, allows the user to understand and plan how to reach the CII compliance target for a given vessel or any number of vessels by switching them between deployment trades (or services) but also simulating the future positive effects of upgrade events such as propeller refit or hull cleaning on the CII rating.
For the services to simulate deployments, the user can upload them from their repository or create them in the Ankeri system.
This creates flexibility for designing new trades or accommodating different trade options.
As the below diagram shows, the CII ratings for a particular ship are affected by the service it is deployed on (the speed between legs and port stops duration, as well as reefer load) as well as any upgrade events that will have a positive effect of the speed-consumption efficiency of the ship.
For the current year (year 1 of simulation), the year-to-date (YTD) operational results are also considered and combined with the date-to-year-end simulation results. Future years are based on simulation only. All simulations will take into consideration any upgrade events.
As the diagram also shows these permutations can result in different CII ratings for each year with the business rules for the CII algorithm and its stricter limits also taken into consideration.